Being triggered is like reopening a wound that hasn’t healed.
When you’re triggered, your self-protective mechanisms are activated and plunge you into fight, flight, or freeze mode. Your adrenaline spikes and stress hormones course through your body, causing you to feel anxious, angry, defensive, rejected, minimized, or sad.
When this happens, healthy coping mechanisms that enable you to respond in a calm and rational fashion become hard to access.
To protect yourself you react with strong emotions or you completely shut down. Something about this situation or person is making you feel like you did as a child. Back then, you were vulnerable and couldn’t exert control over adverse experiences.
Thankfully, you can overcome your negative reactions and choose a self-loving response. The Triggered No More Guide will show you how.


✓ 14 page ebook showing you how to use my signature Triggered No More Method™ so you can overcome your disproportionate emotional reactions and respond in a new and empowered way.
✓ 17-minute audio meditation you can use to experience a greater sense of peace and self-control in situations that would previously have triggered you.

From my own experience and from assisting hundreds of women over the past fifteen years to become the best version of themselves, I know that my Triggered No More Method™ can free you.
With practice, you can internalize my technique and experience a greater sense of peace and self-control in situations that would previously have triggered you.
It’s important to be gentle with yourself throughout this process. You deserve your own love and compassion.

By using my Triggered No More Method™ each time you’re triggered, you can overcome your disproportionate emotional reactions and be free to respond in a new and empowered way.
You can heal and become your best advocate.
It starts today with the resources I’m gifting you in the Triggered No More Guide.
I’ll show you how you can heal and become the highest version of yourself.
And the process starts with understanding and freeing yourself from your triggers. Now is the time to acknowledge your heartfelt desire to overcome out-of-control reactions that leave you feeling powerless.